SEND Local Offer
We match the curriculum to each child’s needs by:
Working in collaboration with parents/carers from the beginning, to share information and approaches which support the child.
Building strong Key Person relationships so that they know the child, their interests, their preferences and their learning characteristics very well.
Continually monitoring the child’s needs through a cycle of observing, assessing and reviewing their learning and development.
Planning on an individual basis according to age, stage, level of understanding, interests and additional needs.
Planning inclusive activities, using specialist equipment where required.
Sharing information with other settings which the child attends.
Creating an SEN Support Plan, Individual Health Care Plan and/or Behaviour Plan where appropriate.
Following advice from relevant professionals e.g. Setting Support Officer, Speech & Language Therapist (SALT) etc.
Using Audio/Visual and other sensory aids including MAKATON signing, props, pictures and musical cues.
Researching specific needs and accessing training as required.
How do we know that a child has additional needs?
Through discussions with parents/carers before a child starts pre-school to find out if there are any existing needs or if the parents/carers have any concerns.
By ensuring all staff have a sound knowledge of child development and that our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) keeps up to date with training and information e.g. via SENDCo Network.
Through continually observing, assessing and reviewing each child’s learning and development to see if it matches expected levels.
By keeping records of progress to see if it slows, stops or regresses.
By seeking advice from other professionals/agencies as a result of concerns raised by parents/carers, by the child’s Key Person, the SENDCo or by other professionals who might be involved in their care.
How accessible is the setting environment? The building is all on one level and pre-school entry is via a ramp. The doors are average width, however the layout of the building is not easy to negotiate with an adult-sized wheelchair. There is a secure, partially covered outside play area which can be accessed by the children in all weathers. An area indoors is separated off for more energetic play. There is no disabled toilet, however the toilets have child seats and there is a step at the wash basin. We can accommodate a potty and nappy changing if necessary. The main room is large and the floor is carpeted to reduce noise. The room is arranged into different learning areas including a cosy corner. There is a waiting room/cloakroom for children to change their shoes etc. before the session starts. Risk assessments are carried out daily and are also carried out for specific needs. Reasonable adjustments can be made, including acquiring specific equipment and resources where possible. Resources are freely accessible to children and labelled with pictures as well as words (as are signs). Transitions into and out of the setting are carefully planned.